Giving Online Expertise with

Let's face it. Most nonprofits do not have enough staff to get everything done. There is always more they can do. This is why Social Venture Partners put together a funding collaborative to connect local nonprofits to our partners and volunteers around the world to help with increasing staff capacity. More than 120 nonprofits each year are sponsored with subscriptions to online skilled volunteer tool called 

For Volunteers: This tool can be utilized by anyone, any employer as a community engagement tool with built in short term volunteer project templates that make a measurable impact. Volunteering through Catchafire provides templates, nonprofit filtering to work in your focus area and builds your personal profile with measurements to show the value of your volunteer hours. 

For Nonprofits: If you are at a nonprofit that needs a few extra hands on deck, you will find easy to manage projects anyone on your staff or a volunteer can enlist experts to help get your work done faster. More than 100,000 volunteers want to help nonprofits from around the world that offer their help on leadership coaching, marketing, fundraising, event planning, graphic design, program analytics, website design, translations and the list goes on.

Click below to see the website.

Measured impact from pro bono volunteers

Our investment each year in subscriptions for nonprofits to use this online portal for skilled volunteers has a 4.65 ROI. That's more than four and a half times the amount we donate for access. Each nonprofit that has a subscription can utilize the Catchafire portal for a year, unlimited projects, trainings, calls as they want for all staff, board and volunteers they sign up.

How it works:

1 subscription for the year = $1,200

The nonprofit sets up their profile and requests volunteer applications for projects like translation, fundraising, website design, etc.

Professionals offer their time at no cost for projects.

Nonprofits select the best volunteer for their needs.

Each project is pre-planned and managed on the portal.

When complete, the projects are evaluated and data is reported.

The average value of each project is $3,650.

So far this year, each nonprofit using the tool has gained $10,500 in value.



Nonprofits get help with:

  • Translation
  • Graphic Design
  • Video Editing
  • Board Strategy Facilitation
  • Financial Policy Templates
  • Writing Job Descriptions
  • Social Media Calendars and Audits
  • Writing Content for Website, Emails and Thank You Notes
  • IT Training on software
  • Website Design
  • Event Planning
  • Fundraising Letters, Campaign Strategy

Visit the SVPSA Catchafire site here.

Impact on a local nonprofit
