
“SVP has been an absolutely amazing experience. It’s grown my confidence in so many different ways.” - 2022 Fellowship participant

Apply for Class 5 Here

We invest our time in providing professional development and building relationships with nonprofits through the SVPSA Fellowship

SVP San Antonio's Fellowship is an essential way for our Partners to get to know nonprofit executives from across our area. In six, full day workshops, we gather our Partners and other leaders from our community network to present workshops, to coach, to be in the room with them to get to know their mission. We utilize our Fellowship to discover hidden gems in nonprofit work. When they finish, we evaluate what funding or partner in-kind support can best help them get to the next level.


Congratulations to Class 4 of the  SVP San Antonio Fellowship!


Skill Building

SVPSA's Fellowship was developed to strengthen nonprofit executive level leaders to round out their skills. The 7 month program, that is held September - March of each year includes 6 full day sessions (we do not meet in December) with dozens of experts from all areas to share their experience and tools for success. Topics include:

  1. Leadership, developing your mission and vision
  2. Board development, roles and responsibilities
  3. Human Resources, managing teams
  4. Financial strategy, tools and policies
  5. Nonprofit technology and resources
  6. Marketing, PR and community relations
  7. Fundraising



SVPSA measures the results of our Fellowship experience. Click here to read the report from Class 3.


  • More innovation, collaboration and partnering
  • Inspired leaders, who have renewed energy for their mission
  • New practical skills, equipped to share their expertise, utilizing today’s most effective business tools, so they can do more.

"I feel like I have a whole new support system that I never knew existed. It really has been wonderful and keeps me sane in a world that I'm struggling in right now."


Meet the Alumni and Presenters

Fellowship Goals

SVPSA Fellows have shown measured improvement in skills, knowledge and confidence. After each session, we evaluate the speakers and the content and our graduates reveal they have gained in their technical expertise and knowledge in 10 areas, including governance best practices, marketing strategy, engagement with donors, understanding communications styles, managing finances, creating evaluation systems, fundraising, strategic planning, understanding HR and better understand technology issues.